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Sunday 10 June 2012

our new tv

Hey guys :)
I've been sick lately, and it's a really weird sickness... I had like a flu sorta thing before and I lost my voice twice and I dunno...
It's been pretty sad weather here as you can probably see from cookie
LOL she is eating a sao, if you were wondering...
She is so cute! Yet so naughty..

Anyways, on the new tv!
We had a tv in the family room and it was an ok little tv but it kept blanking out... then it died. So now we got a new samsung!
It's really cooool and it's really good quality, even though it isn't a 3D tv, everything looks 3D and sounds like a bluray even though it isn't! here is a picture of it, it is playing transformers two obviously:
The picture is only blury on the photo because the army dudes on the screen are moving and yer..


Since I have been sick, I have had nothing to do so I have been watching heaps of movies. One of these is transformers. It's a great movie:)
I love the scary music. It's so cool :)
I love how they put all of the nice cars in it too.
I like how they involve the army in it, so we can recognise all of the hard work and sacrafise they put into protecting our country.
I also like (love ) how they put on of the hottest guy on earth, Josh Jamal, in it :)))
Anyways, if you are wondering, my favourite transformer is Bumblebee :)))
He is the yellow comaro:

I like him coz he has a cute and brave personality, and he is yellow!
I haven't seen the third transformers yet but I really wanna! :)
I also think that Sam's mum is HILLARIOUS!!
Yeah, I guess thats all I can say...


  1. Cool new tv! And Cookie looks very happy to be covered in mud

  2. ahahahahaha :)
    Thanks :) I like it too :)
    Yeas, it seems like every time we wash her she is muddy again in the next 5 minutes!

  3. GruffHello there! - well I went to have a look at your other blog and kinda liked it to be fair - though your new home here seems very welcoming and friendly! (I must say it is more tastefully decorated than mine, plastered in all them sentimental hearts, that was Mummy2Legs' doing, I said, "what about my masculine reputation" but did she listen? No! - Pfftt!) - we have a Samsung, it broke the other week, a man came out to fix it but they are very clever these Samsungs cos it started working when he arrived - cost Daddy2Legs fifty squids for the privilege! - marvellous that, a self-fixing tele! Hopefully see you again soon

    1. Thank you for joining my blog :)
      Thanks :) I luv ur blog too I think its pawsome ;)
      Ya self fixing telie sound amazin, it will change the world! Like poptarts! :)
