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Saturday 26 May 2012

Trust. You have to earn it. And when you do, it's really easy to loose it again.
Recently, I have experienced some senarios where I have lost some people's trust.
I'm trying to earn it back, but. ( theres always a but) it's not that easy...
so if anyone could pretty pretty please give me some ideas to help me earn these people's trust back?
anyways, when you have someone's trust, don't take it for granted!!
When people tell me that they trust me, I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside my tummy and it makes me HAPPY :)
and I like being HAPPY :)
okay, that was creeeeeeppy...
I will keep everyone updated about that little problemo with me loosing people's trust.
Remember, if you, yes you! want to have a say about my thoughts, you can always comment!
I know you wanna
Yes you want to!


  1. Prove to them that they can trust you, or give them something to say your sorry? And by proving you can show that you won't betray sOmeone else's secret? :)

  2. hm souds familiar....
    whoops... guess that the cats out of the bag now
