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Tuesday 21 August 2012

Hello friendly peoples of bloggerville.
sorry i havent posted in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss
i have just been sooo busy and completely forgot about my blog
this is just gunna be a quick hello
so i watched the hunger games on the weekend and I AM OBBSESED. its amazing.im in love.with peeta.so hot.
anyways i am going to read the books soon after i read the bajillion books i am reading already
whos watching big brother? MEEEEEE! :)
its awesome and i can't wait to find out the girls secerets
to finish off theres this cool video on you tube called were NASA and we know it. its a parody to sexy and i know it by lmfao its cool :)
mmmm i can smell the spagetti bol now......
gtg its calling my name now :)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Smiley smiley happy happy :):)

Hey guys :)
I am in a very smiley mood today :)
Very very smiley :):)
Weell, my photo diary of my lovely holiday is nneeeaarrrlly finished just a bit to go...
School started again today and it was great to see all of my buddies again :)
Thanks Dougall for joining my site :) it really means a lot to me when someone comments or joins my site, so keep the feedback coming :)
Good Tv shows
I am very picky about Tv shows, but as more new Tv shows are coming, I get more of a choice on what to watch :)
But I still enjoy the good old ones too.
Here is a list of all my favourite Tv shows :) ( well, all of the ones I can think up at the moment o_0)
~ Once upon a time
~ Big Bang theory
~ Friends
~ Hot in Cleveland
~ Modern Family
~ The Voice
~ Last Man Standing

I would love to hear more Tv shows from you guys too :)
One Tv show that is really bugging me at the moment is Glee.... It was good when it started, but now it's getting a bit repetitive and silly.
I also dislike Mastercheif because it's too overdramatic....
"Oh my goodness! I forgot the salt!! NO! now my life is in ruins!! The meal will be a disaster and then I will be voted off and my life ends! goodbye cruel world!"

Okay, so maybe that was overtop but you get the idea hahaha :)

Sunday 15 July 2012

Helloo everybooddeeeee

Hey guys I've gotten over my sickness ☺
I have also had a great holiday at the snow! I am making a sort of picture journal of it at the moment and I will publish it as soon as its done I promise ;)
I would love to hear about what you guys did in the holidays too :)
Big thanks to BordoggieTerrier for becoming a member :):) you should really check out their blog its pawsome! :):)
Anywho, I'll be putting up another post sooner or later.
I love hearing from you guys!

Sunday 10 June 2012

our new tv

Hey guys :)
I've been sick lately, and it's a really weird sickness... I had like a flu sorta thing before and I lost my voice twice and I dunno...
It's been pretty sad weather here as you can probably see from cookie
LOL she is eating a sao, if you were wondering...
She is so cute! Yet so naughty..

Anyways, on the new tv!
We had a tv in the family room and it was an ok little tv but it kept blanking out... then it died. So now we got a new samsung!
It's really cooool and it's really good quality, even though it isn't a 3D tv, everything looks 3D and sounds like a bluray even though it isn't! here is a picture of it, it is playing transformers two obviously:
The picture is only blury on the photo because the army dudes on the screen are moving and yer..


Since I have been sick, I have had nothing to do so I have been watching heaps of movies. One of these is transformers. It's a great movie:)
I love the scary music. It's so cool :)
I love how they put all of the nice cars in it too.
I like how they involve the army in it, so we can recognise all of the hard work and sacrafise they put into protecting our country.
I also like (love ) how they put on of the hottest guy on earth, Josh Jamal, in it :)))
Anyways, if you are wondering, my favourite transformer is Bumblebee :)))
He is the yellow comaro:

I like him coz he has a cute and brave personality, and he is yellow!
I haven't seen the third transformers yet but I really wanna! :)
I also think that Sam's mum is HILLARIOUS!!
Yeah, I guess thats all I can say...

Thursday 7 June 2012

hey evewybowdy :)
the lyric game is going pre good :)
but only one commenter.... PLEASE COMMENT!
ok, here's how the game is going so far:

Miss Mikki: everyone knows im in over my head over my head 8 seconds left in overtime she's on your mind she's on your mind- Over my head ( cable cars) by  the fray... the best band in the world ! other than onedirection :)

JBass :) : You spin my head right round, right round when you go down down - flo rida

that's all I got so far, but it is a pre good start:) JBass thank you sooo much ilyaaf i luv ur site :) plz join my site! there is a little gadget that says no members want to be the first? or something just click on it. It's that easy! just. one. click!!
Thanks to my amazing friend lifewithmydogs for becoming an awesome member :)
Ok my thougths today:
 SCHOOL ( dun dun dun!)
( any teachers reading this, take no offence because it is not meant to be offensive, it is just a joke so please don't lower my grades because of this post!)
Teachers are a strange species of human. Their main  habitat is the school, there are three types of schools:
infants- this is a place where the youngest members of our society are placed to run wild and let off a little steam with their tiny friends. They are also taught the language of the human kind and the symbols  that are called the alphabet and how to count so that they can pay the bills when they are like waaay older. They are also taught other useless things such as colours and shapes ( I still haven't quite got shapes down yet but I'm working on it xD) These younglings are often told when they are missbehaving, things like ''you can't do that in big school'' which seems rather useless, considering that they still have much to learn untill they are accepted in the place that so many call ''big school''
the teachers their are ussually sing-song sort of people who like to make up little ''poems'' so that the younglings understand what message that they are trying to comunicate. But these "poems" are not exactly poems. see the difference? "poems" poems.

The second stage of school is primary school. This school is just about the same as infants except that all of the kids think that they are all grown up. The teachers in this environment are way more strict and stuff, and the grade sixers always seem to get the best teachers that actually seem to speak english. in primary school you are assigned certain things called homework where you must complete the work that is given to you at home. But it doesn't seem commpulsary. If you 'forget' to do your homework you can explain to your teacher and be like
" oops it seems that I have forgotten my homework what shall i do?"
and then the teacher walks along and is all like
" don't worry, you can do it tommorow"
and if you don't bring it the next day, the teacher says the same thing and it goes on and on untill the teacher is like:
"you know what? forget it."
primary school is fun and laid back and you can be a kid. So any primary schoolers reading this just enjoy being young and crazy because it doesn't last. ( well, except the crazy bit)

Ok. highschool. What can I say?
No seriously. I ain't joking.
It is absolutly crazy.
You have like, a billion teachers and triple as many kids who you have to suss out and your studies are so important and then so is your social life and then you can't be late for class and the school is so big that if you went 20 meters in the air, you still wouldn't be able to see the whole place.
Trust me, it's not pretty.
Homework is like really, really important and it is most of your marks. And yeah...
My mum is always telling me to hang in there because it is like a tunnel, and when you make it to the other side you are all like, wait. did I seriously just do that?!
That is why they make you do P.E. to help you survive highschool. No dude, really, it's survival of the fittest.

And I haven't been to university and it might be a few more years untill I do so I won't be able to write about that.
So, that is what I think about school.

Monday 4 June 2012

Okay, I have expained how to play this game in my last post so I will start off and you guys just add on through commenting on this post :)
I think that this will be fun and a good laugh :)
Okay, here is the first lyric:
every one knows I'm in  in over my head, over my head, 8 seconds left in overtime she's on your mind shes on your mind.
from the song over my head ( cable cars) by the fray
Good luck ! :)
Hey everybody even though nobody really reads this because I curently have no followers because I only just started this blog and I only have 3 posts!
I was thinking of things to make my blog more interesting, and I thought that maybe I could start some sort of game. And the game is called lyrics. What you have to do is add on to another lyric that someone else commented to make it sound like a conversation.
PERSON ONE: heres my number so call me maybe
PERSON TWO: what do you want from me?!
PERSON THREE: I want I want I want
PERSON FOUR: to stand under your umberella ella ella hey hey hey
But they are only just examples. I think that it will be cool and interesting to see how it turns out. :) I will start the game in my next post.

OK here is todays topic:
one direction. the first three things that come to my mind when someone mentions them is cute guys, amazing voices and a bunch of screamy teenage fans.
They are all so cute! better looking than most guys at my school! ( no offence boys)
I mean, Niall. COME ON! who can not like a cute blondy with an Irish accent and an amazing voice?? I don't see why they don't give him that many solos!
Louis. WOW! I love it how he always dresses like a sailor or something. It suits him. And he is a really good singer and he is hillarious too.
Liam is just hot. He is the guy who sings the most out of all of the boys. He is really smart too
Harry is pretty cute. But not as cute. I mean, the hair is a bit of a turn off.
Zayn is alright. He is pretty hot. And cute.
My favourite one direction song at the moment HAS to be I should have kissed you. It's stuck in my head 24/7!
So those are my thoughts on one direction. :)
Please comment and show this blog to others!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Trust. You have to earn it. And when you do, it's really easy to loose it again.
Recently, I have experienced some senarios where I have lost some people's trust.
I'm trying to earn it back, but. ( theres always a but) it's not that easy...
so if anyone could pretty pretty please give me some ideas to help me earn these people's trust back?
anyways, when you have someone's trust, don't take it for granted!!
When people tell me that they trust me, I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside my tummy and it makes me HAPPY :)
and I like being HAPPY :)
okay, that was creeeeeeppy...
I will keep everyone updated about that little problemo with me loosing people's trust.
Remember, if you, yes you! want to have a say about my thoughts, you can always comment!
I know you wanna
Yes you want to!

Monday 21 May 2012

Hey hey hey and welcome to my new blog :)
Trust me, I'm going to try to make this blog more organised this time. Anyways this blog will be about what I think about the world and how I see it through my eyes. Feel free to tell me what you think in the coments!
So, before I get started, lets meet all of my pets!
Rocky is a kelpie X rotweiler. He's big and friendly even though he is supposed to be a guard dog...
Cookie is a little sweetie but she can be very naughty at times. She is a maltese X shitzu
And, last but not least Bella. Bella is a ragdoll cat.She is very fluffy and just evil. So evil

And that's all of my family's pets that I have photos of. We also have a lopped eared bunny called lilly and 3 chickens.

 Anyways here's my first topic:
Ok, I think that superheroes are AWESOME! As long as they
are the real ones like on the movies and not the cartoon show ones. I think that the cartoons ruin it, but then again, I guess that they did need something for younger superherolings.
I went throught this phase last year where I was absolutely obsesed with superman. I don't know why.
I also really want to see the avengers at the movies. But I'm not sure if it'll be as good so if you have seen it, please let me know what you think!
Superheroes are cool but the big disapointment is that all of the stories that they are in always are the same:
they are ordinary people who find out they are superheroes and decide to use their powers for good because something bad happend in their past. Then they meet a girl they fall in love with. Somewhere around here some sort of danger comes across the world and the superhero has to face their greatest weakness and save the world. When all things seem the worst,the superhero saves the day and gets the girl ladedadeda...
This is why I am a pretty big fan of Thor. It's a different story line and he doesn't really get the girl. I'm not going to spoil any more for those who haven't seen it.
When ever I write a story, my characters always seem to have some sort of heroic features or are based on a hero.
those are my thoughts on superheros.
Feel free to comment and please give me ideas for my next post! :)